MacPay+ pour un accès direct à bLink

Les choses bougent sur le plan des connexions et de l’échange des données entre les clients et leur banque. Les développements les plus prometteurs proviennent du développement de l’open banking qui définit des standards modernes et non propriétaires pour l’échange des données bancaires. La tendance est mondiale et se concrétise en Suisse sous la forme de bLink, une plateforme d’interconnexion entre les clients et les banques développée et gérée par Six avec l’appui des principales banques et d’autres acteurs de la branche.

La plateforme, déjà en service sera prochainement étendue à la connexion de clients offline (qui ne sont pas toujours connectés) comme MacPay+. Le projet est actuellement en phase de définition avancée et Quartesoft a décidé de se joindre à cette initiative afin de pouvoir proposer ce nouveau type de connexion à ses clients dès son lancement officiel d’ici fin 2024.

Le développement est important mais les avantages attendus à terme sont nombreux:

– une excellente sécurité;

– une unification des connexions qui devrait abaisser fortement le support des multiples interfaces actuellement existantes;

– l’ajout rapide et automatique de nouvelles possibilités de connexions au fur et à mesure de l’adhésion de nouvelles banques à cette initiative.

Seul éditeur de logiciel e-banking connecté pour la plateforme macOS en Suisse, Quartesoft se réjouit de collaborer avec Six et les différentes banques participantes au projet afin fournir un accès direct à bLink. Quartesoft garantit à ses clients la disponibilité d’un accès complet à l’e-banking pour de nombreuses années.

A month later

It has now been a month since we have launched MacPay+. A long month for sure.

First, thank-you to all of you who bought the product and congratulated us on the release and the pleasure of discovering this new version. A great reward for the hard work that went into the development and associated changes like this website. If you feel like sharing your thoughts with others, don’t be shy: you can comment and rate your purchase directly on the product page, you can subscribe to our twitter feed @macpayplus (where we can fast track support and general info about e-banking), you can even like our Facebook page (we know, not much to like there, but it will come).

Next, sorry for those who experienced small and bigger problems. This is one of the lessons learned: the beta testing was great but limited to advanced users, generally users of the Business version. The success of our upgrade policy means we now had to convert a large number of Standard users who never were confronted to the direct connexion to their bank. And it showed unfortunately: database conversion problems and a large number of general support queries have been, how shall I put it, testing ?

Things are getting quieter now with tonight’s 6th release in a single month. Our phased roll-out (our Swiss-German friends have not been informed officially yet) was not planned but seems now the best idea we had. We think we have now ironed out all the major time consuming issues and things should be smoother. Stay tuned !

A good review and discussion of MacPay+ on

Yesterday, the Swiss site published a very good and thorough review of MacPay+. A lengthy discussion followed with some users on the interest of such software. Always interesting for us to be given the opportunity to explain our product, especially as Cuk enjoys a large base of articulate contributors.

Welcome to the garage

We are pleased to welcome you behind our (new) garage’s door. We are going to use this space to post facts, figures, rants, hopes, ideas and everything that crosses our minds on MacPay’s development in particular and the Swiss e-banking world in general. We’ll try to explain where we are going and why, the difficulties we are facing and how we think things could be better. This place will not be a user forum although comments are welcome. If you need help, please start with our FAQ page and if unsuccessful, use our helpdesk.

We’ll also use the space to relay information which might be of interest to you: the latest information about attacks on e-banking from MELANI comes to mind as a good example.

And one more thing … we’ll publish exclusively in English as a four-language translation is beyond the scope of this little project. Feel free to comment, however, in your preferred language.